Alex awoke to the sound of an annoyed english vampire stomping and yelling in the room above him. “What’s bothering James now?” he thought. He slid out of bed, careful not to wake Elena, and threw on his jeans. After climbing the stairs as quietly as possible, he stopped outside James’ room and knocked twice. “Come in!” Alex opened the door and came face to face with James, who appeared to be in the process of taking out his frustrations on his poor carpet. The carpet bore fresh pacemarks and many papers and scattered books. “What’s wrong now?” Alex asked. “Wrong?! I’ll tell you what’s wrong!” “First calm down and lower your voice before you wake up everyone.” “Oh, all right. First, I explain everything to Stephen and he doesn’t listen to a word I say. Now I can’t find the journal I was readind about the vampires in ancient times,” he said. James stared at Alex and realized how little he was wearing. “Bloody hell, Alex, put on a shirt! There are ladies in the house. What would Phoebe, Maria, and Elena say if they saw you like this?” “Phoebe wouldn’t care, Maria would follow me around drooling at me, and Elena would be very happy.” Alex pushed his hair out of his eyes and sat down on a chair near James’ desk. “Did you show Stephen to his new room and get him settled in?” he asked. “Yes, after explaining everything to him all over again. I plan on introducing him to everyone tonight. Where did he come from? You didn’t tell me anything last night. You just dropped an unconcious newborn vampire on my bed and told me to explain everything to him when he woke up. Where the bloody hell did he come from?!” “Calm down. I found him in an alley downtown. One of Diablo’s vampires got a hold of him. He stayed concious long enough for me to ask him his name.” “Diablo...isn’t he one of Victoria’s vampires?” “Yes.” “Then Stephen will probably be able to control fire.Victoria’s line has always had that specific power. Well, I’ll have Phoebe and Elena train him.” “Let Phoebe train him first.” “Fine. Go back to bed. There’s still 2 hours before sundown.” “’Kay.” Alex stood and headed to the door. He opened it, then paused. “Oh, James?” “What?” “The journal you’re looking for is on your desk. “Oh.” A look of embarasment crossed James’ face, and Alex laughed softly then closed the door. “why did they turn Stephen into a vampire?” he thought, “I read their minds as they ran away when I found him. They had no reason. Maybe Diablo needs more. But if that’s the case, why does he need more? Is he planning on starting a war?” Alex cleared the last stairstep and entered his bedroom. “I’ll worry about it later tonight,” he thought as he climbed back into bed after taking off his jeans. He wrapped his arms around Elena and spooned her close. She sighed in her sleep and snuggled against him. Alex buried his face in her hair and drifted off to sleep.